Monday, September 04, 2006

Waveney Greenpeace Fair

I was playing bass for the Crops at this brilliant festival in Suffolk yesterday - drove down there with Sir Textalot in a rented bubble car. It was like an outdoor jumble sale with bands. And rescued greyhounds. And homemade cakes and a bicycle powered p.a. And a beer tent. Bloody marvellous, hope we can do it again next year. Must have been good for me; the blood sugar's behaving itself a bit more too. I have also started a new hobby: collecting alternative names for sideburns. Being of the hairy faced persuasion I get to hear quite a few. Two new ones from yesterday were 'Piccadilly Weepers' and 'Buggeries'.

1 comment:

hotrodfil said...

Tis a strange thing - went there myself this year. Itinerate double bassist...