Monday, March 17, 2008

Eye of the Badger

Finally got my manky mince pie sorted out. After another misdiagnosis from my GP, I went along to the opticians, where a very nice pregnant Irish lady shined her little torch into my eye and found a foreign body wedged into my cornea. She sent me off to Moorfields Eye Hospital toute suite and I sat in the waiting room with a loop of Buñuel's 'Un Chien Andalou' running in my head. Mercifully, the offending item was removed expertly and painlessly by a wonderful Filipino nurse with a needle and I am now free of both pain and blurred vision. Hurrah! The picture above is not a pair of peeled tomatoes but the back of my eyes, which I had photographed while at the opticians. Quite beautiful, I think, and also, I'm told, quite healthy. Which is nice.


Anonymous said...
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David Titlow said...

get them eyeballs off! they make me feel a bit queasy! what message got taken off?

the oxo said...

If thine eye offends thee eh? Deleted message was a bit of random spammery.

Unknown said...

holy shit. Had the same happen just before xmas! I liked the numb feeling in my eye....