First Hello Goodbye show of 2008 kicked off the new year with great sessions from David Cronenberg's Wife and a solo Jamie Irrepressible. DCW's set included a song about a relationship between a man and a schoolgirl, the lyrics of which they'd thoughtfully typed out for us to vet in advance, in case they were too controversial for a family show. I didn't see anything that could cause offence so gave them the go ahead, secretly hoping that we would get a couple of outraged emails or phone calls from retired colonels in Tunbridge Wells. Sadly, however, it would appear that the self appointed bastions of family values and common decency are not setting their dials to 104.4 fm of a Saturday lunchtime. Which means they would have also missed Jamie's performance too - only one song, but terrific stuff.
Caught up with T-Lo, Tomoland et al in the Parquet Mortar for a couple of swellies, then had a great dahl makani in Simply Indian and went to see No Country for Old Men, the Coen Bros adaptation of the Cormac Mcarthy book. Fabulous stuff, already a candidate for best film of the year I'd say. Classic Coens and nicely dark, like Blood Simple. There's some great business with dogs in the film ('That's a dead dog' 'Yes it is') and a particularly marvellous scene where Josh Brolin is pursued across a river by a hound. Fantastic cast, excellent dialogue, brilliantly shot and a pleasingly ambiguous ending. Go and see it.
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