Sunday, November 26, 2006

The skin of our pants

Another relatively quiet week, brightened up by road testing some more of Shelly's masks. It's just been raining stair rods - pretty impressive but hard to capture in a photo. I'm not too bothered about the rain, but could do without the way it makes the straps on my cycle helmet smell when they get wet. Not pleasant at all.

A very fine show on Saturday. Here's Robin, our shy and retiring engineer, and Killing Joke stalkee Nina Walsh playing live. With my usual finesse I managed to announce several dates incorrectly, apparently believing at one point that we were still in September. Richard coined a particularly memorable phrase 'by the skin of their pants', which I shall be dropping into conversation at the first opportunity that presents itself.

On to the Salisbury in St Martin's Lane last night for Nigel's leaving do - he's being transported to Australia next week. It was also the debut public performance for Robert and Midi's as yet unnamed band. Here's Robert looking more like Sting the older he gets - in fact he now looks more like Sting than Sting does.


David Titlow said...

cool masks-trust robert to play a gig in that fucking luvvies pub!

I've got my eye on you! said...

Ah, the stair rods over DS Park frm 3rd foor Becket House. Beautiful. How I miss it. Then again mountianeering in snowy south NZ has its upsides, and quite literally.

Loving the flavours of your London life. Don't forget the morning knee bends.

Michael said...

Finally I work out how to leave comments. Ah, such a flattering picture of young Robin. I'm not sure who does the graffiti on the Resonance door but it is certainly thought provoking.