Richard got into the spirit of all it at the Half Moon with a frankly sinister Morris Man outfit. Excellent sets from Le Shark and The Pepper Cake Melody Orchestra, with a terrific late night oompah version of 'Wipeout'. Me and T-Lo were on the decks as well as making a cameo appearance in the deXter Bentley set with some twin monophonic analogue synth droning to accompany 'Fishtank'. Which was nice.
Knalpot (which is an old Dutch word for exhaust-pipe) put in a top session performance on Saturday's show along with the mighty TV Smith, with me and Richard chiming in on the backing vocals for 'It's Warming Up'. Spent the rest of the afternoon at the Moat, finally putting the Crops recordings to bed - we hope to have the album out in September...stand by for more news!
We adjourned to the pub for a celebratory drink - David was driving, so he only had a small one.